You are not alone
Read: Genesis 5,6; Psalms 3, Matthew 2:1–15
SCRIPTURE: Psalms 3: 6 I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.
OBSERVATION: David was a known warrior who won many battles. So some may think that it is natural for a bold and brave person to express his heart like this. However, here the situation indicates that David was in a miserable position as he had to flee from his own son who rebelled against him. 2 Samuel 15:14 says that David had no other option other than escaping from his son Absalom. He experienced such a humiliation that some of his own and close aides turned against him. However, David was not worried about the number of his enemies and their darting mocks since he knew about the almighty God who can sustain him in any situation. He lost his kingdom, separated from his family, and was fleeing. Instead of worrying, David expressed his peace of heart and his confidence (v.5,6), for he was sure that God was with him always.
APPLICATION: At times, I may face a similar situation like David. Sometimes, my environment or my surroundings may not be pleasing to me, I may face opposition from all corners. However, they cannot stop me singing songs and experiencing the peace of GOD that no one can take it away. Even if I encounter tens of thousands enemies, I will not fear. Because, people may come and go, but my loving Lord God is always with me. As someone said, “One plus God is equal to majority.”
PRAYER: Father, thank you for being with me even in my difficult times when I feel loneliness. Thank you for your love and protection. Help me to be strong and bold in expressing my confidence in you. Amen.
( Tamil version of this devotion can be seen here)