A model prayer of the early Church

2 min readJul 3, 2021


READ: 2 Chronicles 5, 6; Psalms 2; Acts 4:23–37

SCRIPTURE: Acts 4: 29 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
30 Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus

OBSERVATION: The Jewish rulers and elders could not punish Peter and John; they allowed them to go out of their custody, as they had no reasonable explanation for the miraculous healing of the lame man and apostles’ courage. They could do nothing but threaten the apostles to spark a fear among the believers of the early Church. Undoubtedly, the early Church would have been earnestly praying for the release of the apostles. Peter and John also were keen to meet the believers and explain everything to the community of the believers. When the apostles reported the words of the chief priest and the elders, the praying Church “raised their voices together in prayer to God.” In their short yet powerful prayer, they emphasized three things: First, they acknowledged the Sovereignty of the Lord. They expressed their faith that everything was under God’s control (V.24–28). Then, they prayed for the apostles to speak the word of God with “great boldness.” They did not ask God to rescue them from persecution or to avenge the Jewish leaders for imprisoning the apostles. Lastly, they asked God to do miracles to validate the message of the apostles. Notice: their priority was on speaking God’s word boldly, not miracles. Teaching and preaching the good news come before miracles in Jesus’ order. (Mt.4:23). We see an immediate answer that God gave them shortly after their prayer (Acts 4:31).

These days, we see an increasing opposition against God’s word and his people. In many ways, the world wants to stop the spread of the Gospel and the Gospel work. When the early Church raised their voice in one heart, they were able to see the results in the apostles’ ministry, “With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus” (v.33). When we pray to God to give us boldness to speak his word, we, too, can see his marvelous works among us.

APPLICATION: My God sovereigns. So, I should be prepared to preach the word of God, regardless of the season and my situation. My priority should not be on miracles but on preaching God’s word boldly. I should follow the example of the Lord Jesus to give preference to teaching and preaching the Gospel. I want to lift Jesus and his word. I join with the Church to pray and ask God to give strength to his servants to speak HIS word with great boldness in today’s world.

PRAYER: Father God, you are the creator. All things are under your control and are done according to your will. Jesus, give me your wisdom to speak your word to the world. Holy Spirit, empower me to speak the word of God boldly. Amen.

- Arputharaj Samuel
+91 9538328573

Day — 184




Written by Arputharaj

I am a theological student, interested in learning religions, especially Islam. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

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